
The God of Enough

  He sends peace across your nation and satisfies your hunger with the finest wheat. Psalms 147:14 Sometimes it can feel like we just don’t have enough. We can get caught up chasing riches and gold to find comfort and peace. But peace can only be found within the boundaries of the Lord! He can narrow or expand your borders to whatever it needs to be in your life. However it is framed,  be comforted that it is more than what you need in this season. When you find peace in the ways of the Lord He will make room for bounty.   In the midst of an escape from a bewildered land the Israelites found themselves on the border of the Red Sea.  There could be no Exodus cornered and unarmed  in between deep waters and their enemies. But, the Lord expanded the borders by splitting the water into walls to cross over.(Exodus 14) If He can make a way past those borders; what can He do for you in the time needed? He is a God that provides from the impossible. Sometimes your ...

“Sticks and stones may break my bones… “

  “Coming to Him, a living stone — rejected by men but chosen and valuable to God —” 1 Peter 2:4 HCSB No matter what form rejection comes in it hurts. But He who has been made a chief cornerstone is built to hold us up. His living strength is mightier then all stones built together. Men formed the Tower of Babel to make a name for themselves. But God put them in their place! No matter what sticks and stones are thrown to tear you down, remember He is  a strong tower to build us up!

The secret to success!

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed . In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.   Proverbs 16:3 The Secret To Success There are millions of  books published on reaching success. However, the only one that is breaking the bank is the author who has sold you the idea of having the answers.   We can often evaluate success to riches, fame, career, position and economical status. Although there are very few Bible verses that speak of success, it is very important to God. Perhaps the most important reason it is not mentioned as often is because success can only truly be found in Him. It first requires trust! Trust Him enough to handle your plans. (Proverbs 3:5) Even in all the right intentions and logical thinking to make decisions, we can fall short of full succession. Sometimes the only thing we can reach is confusion. The perfect answer to success comes from the Lord. Is there any answer that can be better than His? T...

Unforgettable, that’s what you are...

  Traits of a Virtuous Woman Proverbs 31:30-31 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. Can you hear the unforgettable lyrics sung with such melody by Nat King Cole? Charm and beauty is often the very first impression you get and sometimes the last. However, beauty can be subjective if often “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”   What makes you so unforgettable?  As a woman we can spend a lot of time and money to preserve and enhance our beauty. However, if you judge a book by its cover then the cover is all its worth. We are created in His image with greater purpose other than perfection of how He created our exterior. We are each uniquely and wonderfully made. (Psalms 139: 13-14) Our Creator shaped and formed a beauty, but more importantly the traits in which we each have to glorify the Lord.  If you want to make a...

What is good?

  Mankind, He has told you what is good and what it is the Lord requires of you: to act justly, to love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8 HCSB Each of us have developed behavioral patterns and learned characteristics. These behaviors can often be influenced by people in our lives. Such examples can be from our parents, leaders, mentors, friends,  elders, etc. In all their good intentions humankind is not perfect. (Psalm 147:1) Sometimes advice can stem from self righteous behaviors of wants vs. needs. As well, dispositions framed from previous experiences.   Where should  we confirm instructions in order to be our best? The Word! He who is the word is grace and truth. (John 1:13, 17) Our requirement is onto the Lord for man will fail us, but God will never steer us wrong. (Numbers 23:19) It is important to be humble and  respectful.  However, not everything is yes and amen. Seek the Lord and He will guide your path (Proverbs 3:...

Dig Deep!

  And not only that, but we also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭HCSB‬‬ If you seen it believe it! He will do it again! Faith is a funny thing to endure. Unlike the physical body conditioning itself to see results, faith is not seen yet pressed in. What did it take in order for you to first believe? It took seeing something manifest in your life. Joy and hope impacted your heart therefore, you surrendered into salvation. Your eyes viewed differently because your faith rose up like a branch out of a root from its soil. But sometimes the storms come that can question the journey of your salvation. Could you come out of this in victory? Only if your roots of faith presses in.  What if Jesus walked away from it all  in the middle of his ministry because the affliction was not worth completing. Or if the disciples did not take Je...

The Snare

 “The fear of man is a snare, but the one who trusts in the Lord is protected.” Proverbs 29:25 HCSB Fore!  Timber! Freeze! STOP! Duck! Left!  Hole!  Don’t run you’re going to fall! It’s a trap!  Just a few of the common call outs ⚠️ to yield someone to watch out for danger. Did you ever think fear can be a danger to watch out for? Something to have caution? You never hear the call out- “watch out for that fear!” Often fear can be understood as a disposition that needs to be challenged to conquer. Some people will say it’s cowardly to not face your fears (1 Samuel 17:11). But there’s is always things  in life we are fearful to face. David faced Goliath because he understood that if the Lord is for him who could be against him. (Romans 8:31, 1 Samuel 17:45-47) His trust in God was that He was bigger then the giant before him. But to the rest of the Israelite soldiers that were behind David, they did not. (I Samuel 17: 23-24) What would have it meant for the I...