The Snare
“The fear of man is a snare, but the one who trusts in the Lord is protected.” Proverbs 29:25 HCSB Fore! Timber! Freeze! STOP! Duck! Left! Hole! Don’t run you’re going to fall! It’s a trap! Just a few of the common call outs ⚠️ to yield someone to watch out for danger. Did you ever think fear can be a danger to watch out for? Something to have caution? You never hear the call out- “watch out for that fear!” Often fear can be understood as a disposition that needs to be challenged to conquer. Some people will say it’s cowardly to not face your fears (1 Samuel 17:11). But there’s is always things in life we are fearful to face. David faced Goliath because he understood that if the Lord is for him who could be against him. (Romans 8:31, 1 Samuel 17:45-47) His trust in God was that He was bigger then the giant before him. But to the rest of the Israelite soldiers that were behind David, they did not. (I Samuel 17: 23-24) What would have it meant for the I...