
Showing posts from March 22, 2015

My Christian Formation

March 18, 2015 Thinking back to my Christian walk, without hesitation, the starting timeline of my Christian Formation would be best described at the age of twenty three, when I became a Born-Again Christian.    It would be substantially evident, because it was the point that ultimately changed the course of my life. However, taking the time to consider my relationship with the Lord, I am brought back to my youth, at the age of eleven.  Although my mother was not a committed  Catholic, as a customary ritual had her children enrolled for Communion classes. This would be the mark that directed my heart to love the Lord. This childhood memory is very endearing, because it was a moment where I was taught the word of the Lord.  The Communion classes taught specifically the Psalms, and there began an awakening.  It is vivid in my memory, coming home from Communion classes to immediately  to complete my homework task of studying Bible verses to interpret...