Good News! Do not be Discouraged
Good news! Do not be discouraged. Sometimes we will go astray from His direction. We may think we are going the right way but maybe we did not hear correctly. Or maybe our stronghold (whether be fear, pride, control, escapism, skepticism, etc.) lead us left. But God! We may go astray but He is with us to lead us back. He will replenish us and never leave us hungry, cold or in the dark. Although the Israelites traveled 40 years what would of taken 40 days, the Lord never left them nor forsaken them. He provided them with manna, quill, cloud by day, fire by night, water from a rock and never their clothes tethered. All the while in the wilderness and in the desert He was raising an army to conquer the land promised to them. He is Lord! Elijah in fear ran from Jezebel. In His fear the Lord met him where he was. The Lord replenished him and set Elijah to another journey so to strengthen him, deliver him and remove those strongholds. He transformed Elijah to be armed ...