
Showing posts from January 16, 2011

In Your Presence

In Your presence I am free, To leap in guarantee, You are there to catch me. In unknown grounds, echoed sounds of deep waters, Your presence wraps me in a wind, Takes me in and Keeps me in flight. You spirit hold me tight, without tangible sight, Trustng You are near It is You that I hear, In Your presence. Zoraida Clemente-Spahi   But I have trusted, leaned on and been confident in Your mercy and loving-kindness; my heart shall rejoice and be in hight spirits in Your salvation. Psalm 12:5


Grasping to reach a way to get through The gates of Glory in You. Enter in with eyes closed, Take a flight onto hinds heights. Soaring onto your feet Digging deep on my knees, leaping a praise to please. Stand on top of a mountain to show My love for all the world to know. On a flight Soaring mountain high, reaching heights In panoramic view of Your love Taking off on eagles wing's How great is Your love for those who shall believe. Zoraida Clemente-Spahi How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings, who publishes peace, who brings good tidings of good, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, Your God reigns! Isaiah 52:7

Taking all that is of You

Stretching to reach the plains of You so true in the old and new, Grasping to drink all that was and is, Climbing to touch what is within. Seeking what hungers in my heart, Calling forth the mystery of Your face that set us apart.   Hunger that beats on my heart Roars like a lion claiming his part. Tasting the meat like a savaged beast hungry for more I'm on my knees desperate to reach all that is in me.   From moment to moment I Glean in a field of Grace. Restoring in Your love, Streaming from the cross. The mountains I cross, To follow footprints I have once lost, To never lose again, I fold and bend through torment again, proclaiming rising plains, In what was and is, to have and hold, To worship back to Your throne. Zoraida Clemente-Spahi

What is Revival and Spiritual Awakening? — The Forerunner

What is Revival and Spiritual Awakening? — The Forerunner