Independent Prayer in Dry Land

Independent prayer will not get you to hear the voice of God. It is is in the humility on your knees, the openness of your heart and the silence of your mouth that will allow you to hear the voice of God. Through complete surrender to the flow of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, we long desperately to reach a level that we can be titled. We seek to be labeled warriors, conquerors for God. We long for the arrival. We fight in intercession, in pleading, in moving and all we are really doing is babbling! If its not the direction the Lord wants you today then all we are really doing is moving in an independent prayer, walking astray to where God longs to have you today..

Sometimes our love is so strong and desires Him so much, we seek and seek everywhere we might see Him. We see Him in the word, we see Him in a book, in a preaching, in a teaching, in a song, in a time of prayer. We get consumed in the race, we start to run like were being chased; running whichever place like a panting deer searching for water. "He is here," let me go here; "He is there," let me go there. But where is it that God is standing for you right now? Are you in this place? Be encouraged, you are not alone, He is with you.

As the hart pants and longs for the water brooks, so I pant and long for You, O God.....     Psalm 42
Lost and desperate, one moment you are with Him and then all of a sudden He is gone...... Where has my living water gone? I had Him just a moment ago? I can't hear the flow of water rushing down from the mountains, I can't hear the rush along the riverside. The leaves to the trees are no longer rustling in the wind, translating the rain is coming. My ears are prompt up listening, my eyes steering left and right; no sign, no sight. How did I get to this place? All of a sudden I'm a deer in a dry desert! My hoofs stand on dry and cracked land. I'm in unfamiliar territory. As I walk along cautiously, my feet are alienated by the sand, so accustomed to planting them along the dew that comforts my feet that water is around me.

All of a sudden, the sun consumes me, the heat dries me thirsty. I am panting like the deer desperate for water. It is in that moment I realized, I have walked out of the forest where God keeps me. Now I am out of my land and can't seem to find my way back. The desperation keeps me moving to the left, to the right; steering, searching, and running. "Where is my living water? Where art thou?" It took some time to come to focus; then when I was was too weak from thirst, too weak to move; God came through a traveler and whispered, "there is living water this way, Come!(Read Rev 7:17) The water is everlasting, let's go where the deep waters lay."

Weak and doubtful I had to make a choice, to trust and have faith that God can make a way in the desert for waters. So I moved in dryness, my movement was in worship. As I worshipped, I traveled and began to hear the call in the wind, "rain is coming!" (Read Isaiah 35:6) The clear sky began forming clouds into mountains, as I continued to steer in worship, seeing the signs, God is near! He is Here! My heart pounded with joy, tears of excitement secreted as I leaped with anticipation, "GOD, you are truly with me, GLORY, GLORY, GLORY!" The moisture formed in the mountain of clouds and I can feel the wind starting to blow, cooling my skin and stirring me within. As I sang, "Oh how He loves me, He will never leave me nor forsake me." Certainly His love is eternal. Hallelujah!

Be encouraged....

So, if you are running like a deer panting for water I urge you, STOP! Be still and wait. Because now, you are moving in an independent prayer.

Ask, seek, knock, believe and you shall receive. (Read Matthew 7:8) Then be silent, await in faith, and He shall speak. The Lord is faithful. In your surrender, just as you surrendered the first day you gave you life to Him. How He exploded life onto you. And, if you have not received this beautiful gift of eternal life, then I encourage you to surrender your life to Jesus today.You are a well that will never run dry, for His water you drink will never have you thirsty again.(Read John 4:14) So, have faith, be encouraged, the love He offers stretches for an eternity. He will never leave you nor forsake you.(Read Joshua 1:5) Glory Hallelujah!

Give God the praise for He is certainly worthy of it. He offers you eternal love (Read John 3:16) think and meditate on that. Who can promise you that and never take back His word.?


Zoraida Clemente-Spahi