
Showing posts from August 28, 2016

Stopped by a pack of Geese

Just about an hour ago I got stopped by a pack of geese crossing to get to the other side of the road. (Padum! Lol) This causing traffic and delay from my race to work. The only regret I have is that I didn't take a picture as I waited. Sometimes God causes you to stop to look at his wonders and creation. In this God moment I am reminded of His miracle in me.  He rerouted my travels to work this morning to reflect on the journey from where God has birthed me to where he has planted me today. Even though this moment delayed me from getting to work on time, I was struck with emotion reflecting on the journey that has brought me from glory to glory. The Lord has delivered me, expanded my territory and fulfilled His promise with a promise for more. In all of that all He ask us to love Him and plant seeds of His love.  Without getting into details of my testimony of what God has delivered me from and how He has expanded my territory, I share this with you.  Rushing out to get to work wi